RARA-AVIS: The Moving Target

From: Daniel Sevitt ( DANIELSE@Amdocs.com)
Date: 28 Mar 2001

I just finished my (and Macdonald's) first Lew Archer and felt a little disappointed. The best parts, I felt, were when Archer explains why he is still a private cop - to pay off a debt to the man he used to be. But if he is this world-weary in the first of the series then how is he going to be by the tenth book? I get the idea that everyone has the potential for evil, but to make every single speaking role in the novel apart from the hero and the girl a murderer or complicit in some way seemed a bit like overkill. I would like to hear people's thoughts on persevering with the series and its highs and lows.

Daniel Sevitt

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