RARA-AVIS: Extreme Fiction thanks - Cockfighter DVD

From: Ann Chambers Theis ( theisa@co.chesterfield.va.us)
Date: 02 Mar 2001

Thanks to everyone who responded to my request for examples of extreme fiction. I've had a really rough week, and haven't been able to reply to y'all individually.

I hope that y'all will make use of your public libraries and support diversity in library collections! I'm not speaking in a professional capacity (or as an employee) here, but as someone who personally loves reading a wide range of materials. I've always believed the old library land saying that a good library should have something to please everyone, and something to offend everyone. (within selection guidelines/policies, of course!)

I've got the Cockfighter DVD on my selection list for the library, but I don't know if it will be added to the collection. Depends on $ and other selection factors.

Ann, tired

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