I hope you didn't think I was disparaging Miami Purity. I
really, really like that book. I found it pretty fascinating
that changing the gender of the protagonist in a classic
story makes such a big difference. Kinda like how much
difference it made in the movie Last Seduction when the femme
fatale becomes the point of view character.
And I did mean that she, and the others, are "continuing in .
. .," some even "building upon the tradition of Cain,
Thompson and Goodis" not that they are copycats or simply
dressing old stories in contemporary clothes. My only point
was that this subgenres has its own conventions, just like
the PI novel.
Finally, even a non-fan like myself has to agree that the
first 3 or 4 Parkers are the ones to read. Early Autumn and
Rachel Wallace were the ones that lead me to give up on
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