RARA-AVIS: Whip Hand

From: JT Lindroos ( jt@emazing.com)
Date: 31 Jan 2001

>A critic might say that the book has elements of zany caper and of
hard-boiled novel.
>I'd be curious to know what those of you who have read it think. Betsy

I read it in the fall of '99 and liked it but it probably is my least favorite CW novel. It had some interesting parallels to Miami Blues (bad guy called Junior, and other bits and pieces I forget) and it is fascinating if you consider it as a part of the whole body of work. On its own I don't think it captured the perfect balance/mixture/whatnot his later work did (including early novels such as HIGH PRIEST, WOMAN CHASER, WILD WIVES etc) and as a result it was a bit of a disappointment. Of course it could well be that the crudeness of the book resulted due to various hands between him and the published version.


Charles Willeford - Something About a Writer: http://oivas.com/cw/

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