>I devoured Bill Pronzini's THE VANISHED (1973), #2
Nameless, and marvel
>at what a compact mystery it is, with few if any
extraneous words. It
>seems to me, in my limited understanding of what
constitutes "noir",
>that it qualifies, but I'd appreciate any comments
the experts care to
Well, Pronzini himself doesn't think any of the Nameless
books are hardboiled, much less noir (except for one story).
He calls them human stories with an edge, or something like
that, in the intro to that story, in a recent collection.
Then again, what does he know?
The collection, by the way, MASTER'S CHOICE, is pretty
interesting. It's edited by Lawrence Block, and pairs stories
by current crime writers with original stories by classic
authors that inspired them.
Kevin Burton Smith The Thrilling Detective Web Site http://www.thrillingdetective.com
Now online: The 3rd Annual Cheap Thrill Awards. Fiction by Laura Lippman, Scott Wolven and Anthony Rain. And Tim Broderick's ODD JOBS. -- # To unsubscribe from the regular list, say "unsubscribe rara-avis" to # majordomo@icomm.ca. This will not work for the digest version. # The web pages for the list are at http://www.miskatonic.org/rara-avis/ .
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