Re: RARA-AVIS: Willeford's The Woman Chaser

From: William Denton (
Date: 25 Jan 2001

On 25 January 2001, wrote:

: The punch in Laura's belly, the scene that Bill quoted, got the movie
: in trouble from the start. The start was the New York Film Festival a
: year ago October, the first public screening. Distributors and critics
: were much put off by that scene. The current version omits it, but the
: commercial damage was done ...

It's a brutal scene, and seeing it on screen would be grim, but I'm sorry to hear the squeamish forced it cut. Maybe it'll get back in on a DVD release? Ironic that they had to change a movie about a man who refused to change a movie. Either way, I hope it gets on TV up here soon.

For disturbing punches, that one is right up there with the one Jim Thompson did (in THE KILLER INSIDE ME?) where the fist goes in so deep the man can feel the woman's spine. Horrible and skin-crawling, and memorable.


William Denton : Toronto, Canada : : Caveat lector.

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