Re: RARA-AVIS: Ellroy's new book....

Date: 24 Jan 2001 wrote:
> according to many sources in 'rompol' a French discussion group I
> belong to on 'roman policier' and other 'noir' of the
> characters in the upcoming Ellroy book is called Mespl褥 and is
> the french conspirateur/assassin in President Kennedy's murder in
> Dallas...Mespl褥 has been 'drawn' after Claude Mespl褥 a very
> well known critic and writer and editor in that genre in France
> occasional participant to the discussions
> in 'rompol'...this news was circulated on 'rompol' about five
> days ago and is not surprising since Ellroy and Mespl褥 must know
> each other....

Ellroy has Tuckerized other writers like this in the past, of course.

Apropos of Mespl褥, he is coming out later this year with an encyclopedia of French detective and crime fiction. I've already read some of the articles, and it promises to be quite something indeed, with information not previously available in English.


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