<<In previous discussions here (and David White seems
to remember some) I was told that I had no right to despise
Parker as he was a very professional writer. >>
I remember lots of discussions about Spenser on this list,
most of them derrogatory. I also remember being one of the
lone few to defend Parker, mostly because, at the time, I was
reading early Parker. And I was blown away. So I think I
talked my head off defending Parker. But of course, now that
I have read the whole series, I can see the decline. It's as
if Parker hands in a rough draft to the publisher and says
"Her'e make sure I didn't spell anything wrong." In
intereviews Parker says he doesn't revise, and ouch thta
hurts his final project. I'm sure most of his novels would be
incredible if he would take the time and go back and add some
meat to the novels, and we wouldn't even have these
discussions. But that didn't happen, and yes Parker has
suffered, and yes I believe he's in it just because he's a
bestseller now. I still enjoy Parker's effortless style, and
I will still read him. It just gets harder and harder to
defend him.
As for your comments, I hope I wasn't the one who mentioned
that you had no right to criticize Parker. I have no right to
say that. So, I was mistaken in my youth, if it was me. And
please, call me Dave.
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