RARA-AVIS: Re: Jacques Barzun

From: Kevin Burton Smith ( kvnsmith@colba.net)
Date: 04 Dec 2000

Bill Hagen wrote:

>I notice too
>that he co-authored a reference work (with Wendell Taylor) called A
>Catalogue of
>Crime (1971).

Yeah. I remember going through it quite a few times several years ago at a local library. While any ambitious bibliographical/critical work of that scope is bound to contain errors, I seem to recall A Catalogue of Crime having some real honkers, and some of the opinions
(even if they are only opinions) really out to lunch. Though to be fair, at this point, I can't recall any of them. Maybe something like Hammett being a hack and a vulgarian? Anyway, I know I stopped using it as a reference source. Then again, who am I to talk about bloated, opinionated reference sources?

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