On Wed, 29 Nov 2000, eddie hermanson wrote:
> i have a couple questions i hope y'all can answer.
one is the titles of the
> mcgee series. whats up with the color scheme
involved in the titles?? is
> there somethind there i should know aboout?
lavander, crimson, blue,
> cimmimon, amber, indigo, lemon...is there something
here that is pertinet to
> the mcgee series? the colors of the titles must have
some meaning?? the
> second is what books other than cape fear had been
made into movies?? i
> anticipate a response. ed.
I don't know about the books and colours (I don't even like
the books), but surprisingly few of MacDonald's books have
been made into films. Robert Clouse directed "Darker than
Amber" in 1970, with Rod Taylor as McGee, and then someone
else directed a TV movie "Travis McGee" in 1983. This was
based on "The Empty Copper Sea" and it has Sam Elliott as
(probably without a mustache!). There's also Alfred Nu񥺧s "A
Flash of Green" from the mid-eighties. The earliest MacDonald
film is however Edmond O'Brien's "Man-Trap" (1961) that is
based on some short story and is without McGee. All these
films are said to be minor. So, "Cape Fear" is the only good
MacDonald movie - if you can handle Scorsese's
heavy-handedness. I haven't seen the first version of the
film, but everyone seems to like it.
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