Re: RARA-AVIS: a question

From: Jim Beaver (
Date: 16 Nov 2000

> Your're right. I didn't think of that. Kurosawa has written his memoirs,
> has anyone here read it? What does he say about these matters?

Kurosawa's memoirs, "Something Like an Autobiography" in English, ends with his production of "Rashomon," and so does not extend beyond the very early 1950s and thus not to "High and Low," his McBain adaptation.

> > There's also the one with Toshiro Mifune as a gangster
> > with tuberculosis, whatever the English title is. Fine
> > stuff.
> I don't recognize this.

It's "Yoidore Tenshi," (or "Drunken Angel" in English). It's the story of the relationship between a slum doctor and the gangster who comes to him for treatment of a bullet wound and discovers that he has tuberculosis. A wonderful film, only Mifune's third or fourth, I think.

Jim Beaver

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