RARA-AVIS: Willeford film adaptations

From: Mbdlevin@aol.com
Date: 15 Nov 2000

Dave writes about the film "The Woman Chaser":

<< Yet, to me, "The Woman Chaser" captures his world view the most accurately.
 (in black and white, no less) I loved it. Apparently, Betsy Willeford agrees
 with me. But I guess we're in the heavy minority. But there's gotta be
 something good about a movie that some people love, and others hate ... >>

I don't think you're in a heavy minority, maybe no minority at all. In my mind, "The Woman Chaser" is by far the most faithful of the three film adaptations of Willeford's work. The film in fact uses quite a bit of dialogue verbatim from the novel. The weird unnameable tone feels about right too. Incidentally, in Portland, Oregon, it was well reviewed in the daily paper and the alternative weekly, and it ended up playing for three weeks, one week each in three different theaters. Doug

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