James Ellroy, KILLER ON THE ROAD...well done for what it is,
but I've decided that the serial killer sub-genre, for the
most part, simply bores me.
Eric Knight/Richard Hallas, YOU PLAY THE BLACK AND THE RED
COMES UP....Very Cain-like story of doomed love and
malevolent fate, told with real verve. Nice portrait of
California in the Thirties. A book I've long been searching
for -- finally a kind woman traded me her Black Lizard copy
for BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK. If you can find it, by all means
pick it up. Not a classic, but a good read.
Marvin Albert, TONY ROME/MIAMI MAYHEM....real good pi novel
set in Miami. All these years I'd thought Travis McGee was
the first hb hero to live on a houseboat in Florida, only to
discover that Mr. Rome was bumming around on one some time
before. Another illusion shattered! :)
===== Doug Bassett
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