RE: RE: RARA-AVIS: Blues settings?

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 25 Sep 2000

Tribe asked:

"Could the absence of complaints about blues be because white folk never even listened to it and/or they were never popular with whites, whereas the other pop music forms you mentioned were getting a stranglehold on the precious white youth of america?"

That certainly matches my take on the issue, that popular culture becomes most troublesome when parents of white, middle-class youth notice their kids' interest in it -- works with music, movies, comic books, and I'll bet some hardboiled lit. It's all said to corrupt the young, although some only use that as a blind behind which to promote keeping it out of adult hands also. (Feel free to contact me off-list on this issue; as you can probably tell, this topic is of particular interest to me.)

Sorta speaking of which, can anyone think of any appearances in hardboiled of preachers or do-gooders campaigning against the various aspects on pop culture? I seem to remember several recent occurrences of this, but no specific references come to mind.


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