RARA-AVIS: A mystery bookstore in Frankfurt

From: Naomi Hoida ( hoida@tokyo.se.fujitsu.co.jp)
Date: 25 Sep 2000

I returned from the Bouchercon in the middle of this month. It is already end of the month though my luggage has not been settled yet.

When I telphoned some editors to ask their new mystery books for my regular article , three editors of them said about their business trips next week . They will attend a book fair in Frankfurt of Germany. And one of them asked me about mystery bookstore in Frankfurt. He had read an article about it but he could not find the address. Will you please write me the address if anyone know it? He hope to visit the bookstore.

This March, I read an anthology of short mystery stories about Berlin by German writers , 'Berlin Noir'. The taste of them are different from the mysteries of the United States and Britain, and they were full of interest to me. Only very small number of German mysteries are translated into Japan. I hope more German mystery novels will be translated someday.

Naomi Hoida e-mail SDI00498@nifty.ne.jp hoida@tokyo.se.fujitsu.co.jp CCR WEB PAGE http://village.infoweb.ne.jp/~fwg19735/index.htm

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