Yes, it is the Rowan of Rowan and Martin. As with all
collections of correspondence (with the exception maybe of
Agee's letters to Father Flye(sp?)), there are some nuggets
and there is some pretty mundane stuff. If you're interested
in show business, in particular TV, of the late-1960s, and if
you're interested in the publishing game of that same time
frame, I'd recommend it. Good insights into the characters of
both men. That being said, I should point out that while I
really love MacDonald's work and I certainly bang the drum
for his early environmentalist stands and his appreciation of
the dread about the coming of what a lot of people call the
Californication of America (shopping malls, cable TV, generic
everything), his personal life was not nearly as interesting
as say Hammett's or Chandler's or Himes'. Spend an afternoon
reading the slim new biography of MacDonald, THE RED HOT
TYPEWRITER, and you'll come away with the understanding that
the man was a lot less compelling than his works.
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