Re: RARA-AVIS: The Dain Curse-why the bad rap?

From: Mark Sullivan (
Date: 14 Sep 2000

I read James's reply, saying Red Harvest was pulpier than Dain Curse, just after I sent mine agreeing with Brooks's estimation of Dain Curse winning that race. I guess it depends upon how you define pulpier. Red Harvest is bloodier, very breakneck-paced, could have been the model for Chandler's comment about sending in someone with a gun whenever the plot lags, not that it ever lags in this case. And all those things are undoubtedly pulpy. However, I think of Dain Curse as "pulpier" because its "to be continued next issue . . ." seams have not been as well hidden. Plus the exotic cult touches are part of what I think of as pulpy. Of course, I doubt "pulpy" is a pejorative on this list, it certainly isn't with me.


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