Does this mean you're not a fan?
> A wideboy probably talks a little too much about his
> activities. A wideboy sells watches on the streets
trying to make people
> believe they are stolen so that they feel naughty. A
wideboy knows a man
> who can get you tickets for the game, Saturday. A
wideboy can't stand "the
> filth" and is terrified of having his collar felt
but addresses all
> policeman to their faces as Sir or Mr. A wideboy
might wear a tie but
> never do his top button up. A wideboy might work
down the market or even
> an estate agent and he'll keep his wad folded in his
pocket. Wideboys pay
> cash. If a wideboy gets into a fight he's more
likely to settle it with a
> headbutt or a spontaneous snooker cue than a
premeditated baseball bat. A
> wideboy is not a hard man but he knows a man who
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