Re: RARA-AVIS: Paul Auster

From: Chris Routledge (
Date: 10 Sep 2000

At 07:59 PM 9/9/00 -0400, you wrote:
>I have just started reading Auster's The Locked Room, IMHO not HB, but
>yes noir. What is people's reaction to Auster's trilogy? Mr. Crider no
>doubt will have a wonderful knowledgeable comment. The only influence on
>Auster that I am perceiving is Poe. Wonderful company to be in.

A few years ago I introduced this book to a friend of mine who worked for the British secret service (yes, as a spy). He later told me that it had gone round the office at some speed, and that they had a map of New York on the wall and were plotting Stillman's route. What would Auster make of that?

Actually I agree with you: it's not hard-boiled, just urban, but then it's not a cozy either. Seems to me it has more to do with theories of writing and the effect of genre on the reader than detective fiction per se.

Cheers Chris

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