Has anybody read Jen Banbury's Like a Hole in the Head? It
was on the discount table at Border's, and I passed it
up--the first page didn't do anything for me, and the jacket
copy claimed it was a marriage of Gen X and hardboiled, which
made me shudder. Amazon "reviewers" blurbed it as
"Maltese Falcon Meets Marx Brothers," so I'm even more
suspicious. Still, I'd like to hear from anybody who might
have read it. It was only four bucks, should I go back and
give it a chance? Or am I being needlessly cynical, and ...
well, hardboiled?
Here's an excerpt from the Amazon site:
"Past all the two-story apartment buildings where old women
laid out their cast-off clothes like a distress signal. They
would sit around in beach chairs waiting to sell wrinkled
muumuus for two bucks a pop. Past the strip malls with the
five dollar manicure places. Past Donut Heaven, Donut Time,
Winchell's Donuts, Time for Donuts, I Love Donuts, Falafel
and Donuts, Jimmy's Donuts, and Dough-nutty. Past the Hare
Krishna temple. I had gone there once for a free vegetarian
meal. They asked me to leave before serving me. You have to
chant before you can eat and I kept saying 'Hairy Hitler'
instead of Hare Krishna. The girl praying next to me blew the
whistle. I was hungry and I shouldn't have been such a
wiseass. I've heard the food is pretty good."
Thanks for your comments,
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