RE: RARA-AVIS: One hell of a weekend

From: Forstater, Mathew (
Date: 05 Sep 2000

new to the list. started reading Hammett and Chandler some years ago, re-read it fairly regularly. more recently (last few years) read pretty much everything by Jim Thompson and J. M. Cain, Goodis, Woolrich, (old)Willeford, bunch of the noir short story collections. Also read everything by Walter Moseley (including his recent nonfiction-- WORKIN' ON THE CHAIN GANG, BLACK GENIUS-- which I like a lot). stumbled onto SPOOKS, SPIES, AND PRIVATE EYES and from that went and read THE MAN WHO CRIED I AM, THE SPOOK WHO SAT BY THE DOOR, and a few other things excerpted therein. recently visiting nyc found Clarence Cooper, Jr. reissue in the Strand and am now ploughing through the old school books series. (don't know what i'll do when i'm finished the whole series.) also into jazz/rock/hiphop including noir/crime jazz, everything from lounge lizards to link wray, monk to the last poets. have also played music and performed poetry (slam before it had that name) over the years. (is there hardboiled poetry?? mine has an element of that--slang, snappy patter, etc. i've always associated the beats with hb. Bob Kaufman is my own favorite). after years of no interest in british mystery/detective I finally read all of Sherlock Holmes, and am interested in the "method of discovery" and have written a little about it. Poe is also important in this respect. I'm here to see if I can pick up leads for future reading (older stuff, but also I have no idea what of current pulp is worth reading), movie recs, and to listen in and see what goes on.

> What have you been reading?
Bleedin' 'ell I thought I was a fast reader, but I do tend to stop for things like sleeping, walking,talking. ;-)

Shame The Devil which I ration to only before sleep and lots of comics.


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