Re: RARA-AVIS: Marlowe as racist?

From: Anders Engwall (
Date: 05 Sep 2000

Juri Nummelin:

> In the fifties Finnish translations of "The Long Goodbye" they left out
> the scene where Marlowe resents some Finnish client for being ugly and
> misbehaving.

Was it really in "The Long Goodbye"? I remember the scene, but somehow my memory says it was in "The High Window" or
"The Little Sister".

Anyway, Chandler must have had some sort of special relation to Finland, since there is also a Finnish hotel detective in "Playback". That makes it two out of seven novels that have Finnish characters, albeit minor ones. What were the odds, considering the
(presumably very low) number of finns living in L.A. in the fifties?

ObOffTopic: it's not clear who was the first to record
"I'm Not Your Stepping Stone". There's even a third contender; The W.C. Fields Memorial Electric String Band. Well, at least they get bonus points for their name.

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