You gotta love this . . .
> I'm putting together an undergraduate course in the
spring to be titled
>NOIR: FICTION AND FILM. I had done a version in the
past that
>concentrated on hardboiled detectives but want to
expand the options a
>bit. I would appreciate any suggestions that anyone
might have offlist.
>So far, RED HARVEST and BIG CLOCK are the only titles
I think are sure.
>I'm also considering the second Library of
>volume, on the '50's, with Thompson, Willeford, Himes
et al.
>Jeff Evans
Oh, Jesus, another academic who doesn't know what he's doing
setting out to infect the minds of those who may, without
such interference, develop a rational facility. Give it
If you don't KNOW the literature you propose to TEACH, what
good are you?
If you have to ask us (how many of us do you know personally?
are we experts, dilettantes, or merely 12-year olds with some
time to kill?) to suggest course reading, how equipped are
you to teach ANY course?
Give us all a break.Go get a job at Sam's Club. You'll fit
right in. PB
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