RARA-AVIS: Crowded Lives

From: Jiro Kimura ( jkimura@nsknet.or.jp)
Date: 15 Jul 2000

Ron Clinton wrote:

>Does anyone know if his upcoming collection, CROWDED LIVES (?), is entirely
>different from CHALLENGING THE WIDOW-MAKER - or are there some
>cross-duplications between the collections?

When you flip to the appendix of Challenging the Widow-Maker, you will find the list of Clark Howard's short stories and novels, and know which stories are in which collections. In short, no stories are in the both collection.

For those who have not bought a copy of either of them, I list the contents of the both at my web site.

Jiro Kimura
********************************************* Jiro Kimura Kanazawa, JAPAN e-mail: jkimura@nsknet.or.jp The Gumshoe Site (http://www.nsknet.or.jp/~jkimura/)

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