> He and arriet Klausner are the true gods of crime
fiction criticism.
Klausner! Aargh! Who is this maniac Harriet Klausner? She
reminds one of those movie quote whores who invariably give
positive and shallow reviews to absolutely everything they
review. I found her so annoying that I came to dread seeing
her posts (and then even seeing her name) in rec.mystery. And
now she's despoiling amazon.com, spending untold hours doing
cut-and-pastes of all her books reviews there -- for
posterity? To boost her ego?
If I once was uncertain about the quality of citizen-reviews
at amazon.com (and sites like epinions.com), those doubts are
now gone; those reviews simply cannot be trusted.
(I should have retitled the Subject header as 'The Big
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