Re: RARA-AVIS: Nightmare Alley

From: Lee Nowlin (
Date: 30 Jun 2000

Tosh wrote:

> <<'Nightmare Alley' struck me as really creepy. Is it still in print? If not
> a masterpiece, then an interesting 'little' masterpiece.
> Did he write any other novels?>>

Don't know about other novels by Gresham, but he wrote what's supposed to be an excellent non-fiction look at the carnival world, called Monster Midway. I'd never heard of it until I stumbled across a glowing review by Anthony Boucher in an old Manhunt. There're usually a few copies listed on ABE and Bibliofind, but the price range is pretty steep, so I still know it only by reputation. Seems like it would make a good choice for some small or university press to bring back into print.


P.S. A little Gresham trivia: the Joy Gresham who became the love of C.S. Lewis' life, as dramatized in the movie Shadowlands, was our Gresham's ex!

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