I just finished The Poison Sky by John Shannon. (Each book in
the series gets even better.) Jack Liffey overhears the
following story:
"I was going to tell you about the little game Chandler had
with his editor. That was over a forbidden word, too. . .
"In those stories that he wrote for the pulps, he was always
trying to slip in a little something about pederasts, but
ever time he did, the editor would yank it out. . . .
"It was a pretty Puritan time, after all. He'd sneak in a
child molester as a minor character and out it would come.
Just one reference to a perky little bottom in passing, zip,
eagle eye would spot it and blue-pencil it. He'd write about
a character who liked to watch young boys playing football,
and yank, out he would come. Finally he had an inspiration
and he made Marlowe call one of the hoodlums a 'gunsel' and
the editor let it pass. Chandler and his pals had a real yuk
about it in private but they never gloated publicly. . .
"If you look it up in the dictionary, you'll see that the
dictionary folks define 'gunsel,' in their piquant way, as a
boy who's kept for immoral purposes. Ironically, of course,
Chandler was so popular that his little joke ended up making
gunsel into a synonym for gunman."
Now Wilmer was referred to as a gunsel in The Maltese Falcon.
So isn't this story actually about Hammett, not Chandler? Or
is there an equivalent story about Chandler?
The mistake seems particularly strange given that Shannon
showed knowledge of both authors when a character referred to
Liffey as Sam Spade: "He'd rather have been Philip Marlowe
because Spade has a nasty streak, but he didn't say
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