LEONARD, Elmore. Pagan Babies. Delacorte. Sept. 2000. 224p.
ISBN 0-385-33392-7. $24.95. abridged. BDD Audio. ISBN
0-553-52751-7. $25.95. abridged. BDD Audio. ISBN
0-553-71228-4. $29.95. This novel opens with a tragedy --
Hutus storm a church and kill everyone but priest Terry Dunn,
saying his first mass -- and then segues (rather
incongruously, it seems) into what publicity calls "Leonard's
funniest straight-faced novel to date." At home in Detroit to
raise funds for Rwanda's orphans, Terry meets tough stand-up
comic Debbie Dewey, on the lookout for a guy who conned her
out of some big dough. Soon they're in cahoots, and Debbie
learns that there is more to Terry than meets the eye.
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