Re: RARA-AVIS: Ridley

From: Ron Clinton (
Date: 31 May 2000

I recall not so long ago - when I attended a reading/signing for his then-new EVERYBODY SMOKES IN HELL -him mentioning that he hoped his new film, THREE KINGS, would do okay when it opened in a few weeks. He thought, humbly, that it was a pretty good film but didn't know what audiences would think of it...but was hoping for the best and that it would lead to other film projects.

It certainly looks like he got his wish. And well-deserved it is.

Ron Clinton

> I just read that John Ridley got 2 million bucks for a screenplay for
> UNDERCOVER BROTHER and received a "high six figure" advance for his next
> two books. Sounds like he has very little to be bleak about these days.
> Bill Crider

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