I've been a list member, mainly lurking, for about six months
and prior to joining, I'd already read at least one work by
most of the authors mentioned.
However, having read Kevin Burton Smith's postings to r-a for
the last few months, I realised that we have similar tastes
in hb novels, so when he recommended THE CONCRETE RIVER by
John Shannon last month I decided to take a gamble and added
it to an order for books from Amazon (it hasn't been
published in the UK yet). I was very glad I did.
Although on the surface Jack Liffey seems reminiscent of
Block's Matt Scudder; an honourable, unlicenced, middle-aged,
divorced, recovering alcoholic P.I., it's the sense of
absurdity and the bizarre that intrigues in this book. You
never know what'll happen next, whether it's a backhoe
tumbling from a hillside into the roof of someone's garage or
meeting a circus dwarf and a living skeleton in a bar.
I've already decided to order THE CRACKED EARTH, Shannon's
second Jack Liffey book.
- Paul
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