>However, she *wouldn't* work with Bogart.
>I don't recall the reason off the top of my head, but
she worked with him on
>one film (again, I don't recall which) and declared
she'd never work with him
This one belongs in the same file as the story about the
secretary who typed up TMF. Lupino and Bogart worked together
in HIGH SIERRA and THEY DRIVE BY NIGHT and as far as I know
had an excellent working relationship. According to later
interviews of Lupino, she was perfectly willing to work with
him, but the studio politics and contracts prevented that,
and the Lupino refusal story got around as a way to take the
blame off the studio.
Best, Vicky
Victoria Esposito-Shea, J.D. Legal Research and Writing
New and improved site at http://www.esposito-shea.com
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