RRandisi@aol.com wrote:
> Anybody here ever read Mike Roscoe or John B. West?
I read them years ago as
> a young man and I recall liking them. I was a sucker
for the stuff back
> then, moreso than now, and ever like the Neil McNeil
I've only read one Mike Roscoe (great name for a hardboiled
writer), RIDDLE ME THIS, and it was damn good. Rosco was
actually a couple of Kansas City private eyes named John
Roscoe and Mike Russo. There's a photo of them on the back
cover of my Signet edition, two hard looking lads in hats.
West was a weird case, a black Liberian doctor, expert in
tropical diseases, and entrepreneur, who wrote bloody pseudo
Spillane thrillers about a white private eye in a never never
land he called America. Facinating stuff, but not especially
well written. Neil McNeil (W.T. Ballard on a sunny day) wrote
some very funny novels, five I thinmk, about a couple of
cheerful bruisers named Costaine & McCall. All worth
picking up, although a couple of chapters of West is probably
enough for most folks.
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