RARA-AVIS: John B. West

From: Bill Crider ( abc@wt.net)
Date: 09 May 2000

OK, I looked him up in 1001 MIDNIGHTS. Max Allan Collins wrote the review, and here's what he says about West: "A doctor, he was both a general practitioner and a specialist in tropical diseases; he was also the owner of a broadcasting company, manufacturing firm, and hotel/restaurant operation. He lived in Liberia, was black, and last hin his life -- as a pastime apparently -- worte novels about white private-eye Rocky Steele, of New York City."

Well, I got most of it right.

Collins also wrote the review of Mike Roscoe's book ONE TEAR FOR MY GRAVE. Here's his bio of Roscoe: "Roscoe was two men -- Michael Ruso and John Roscoe -- who were real private eyes, employed by Hargrave's Detective Agency in Kansas City."

Bill Crider

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