RARA-AVIS: Carroll John Daly

From: GN ( piesbook@execpc.com)
Date: 29 Apr 2000

> I read a Daly book in 1980 or 81 (possibly "The Snarl of the Beast") and,
> though not remarkable, found it likable. If one takes into consideration
> when it was written, it is remarkable! Not boring nor slow, as so many of
> his modern successors.

I just read The Amateur Murderer, and found it lacking. It reads as if Daly sat down at the typewriter and started typing have no idea where he was going. It lacks some of the usual violence, and though some may say great, I think it actually made this one kind of boring. The super-criminal adversary, that Daly liked so much as an antagonist, comes off really wimpy here as well. So, I was disappointed. I think my favorite Williams adventures are THE TAG MURDERS and TAINTED POWER.

Best, GWN Gary Warren Niebuhr P. I. E. S. (Private Investigator Entertainment Service) P. O. Box 341218 Milwaukee, WI 53234 piesbook@execpc.com http://www.execpc.com/~piesbook/piescatalog.html

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