RARA-AVIS: Travanian: Hard Boiled and Soft Boiled Detectives

From: Keith Alan Deutsch ( keithdeutsch@earthlink.net)
Date: 27 Apr 2000

Thanks, Bob. I blooped and wrote "The Man" rather than "The Main" in my post. I think that that novel with its Canadian setting is very high quality writing. I loved Shibumi, also well written, for different reasons. The Sanction series is high quality mass market genre writing--not up to the two works mentioned above. Anyone read the recent Trevanian gothic western? Or the romance novel? Keith

Bob Toomey wrote:

> Keith,
> My understanding is that Trevanian was a pseudonym originally used by
> Rodney Whitaker for the two SANCTION novels. He then sold the pseudonym
> to another writer, whose name I can't remember or never knew, who used
> it to write THE MAIN. Then yet another writer came on board and wrote
> SHIBUMI, and so on. But all of this is rumour and hearsay. I have no
> documentation at the moment to back it up.
> BobT

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