RARA-AVIS: Flannery & others

From: Moorich2@aol.com
Date: 26 Apr 2000

We are really on a Georgia author thread! Flannery O'Conner just blows me away. I described Woolrich as merciless but Flannery was the first writer to strike me that way back when a freshman English teacher at the University of Georgia read her "A Good Man is Hard to Find" to my class. Man she grabs me by the throat and other body parts. A very interesting film was made on a low budget in Georgia of her novel WISE BLOOD. Directed by John Huston with a fine cast (including a classic Harry Dean Stanton performance), it is well worth searching out. Featured a lot of local Macon, Georgia people including the police chief, who I interviewed a few times in my reporter days. He got into some political trouble with the establishment for his portrayal of a mean-ass cop.

And thanks to Bill Crider and Bob Randisi for welcoming me. Crider, it ain't big bucks that keep me slaving away, it's the two daughters in college! I did have a charge last weekend when I went into a mystery bookstore in Brussels (Polar & Company) and found used copies of two of my three novels in the Serie Noir editions. As one was only published in that edition, I was especially excited to get another copy. I also found a good first PBO of a Richard Stark/Parker novel for a little over two dollars. Meanwhile, I am trying to get my writing discipline back now that I am in a new setting with a quiet phone and a lot of solitude.

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