RARA-AVIS: Dog Fighting and Harry Crews

From: Mbdlevin@aol.com
Date: 25 Apr 2000

Kip writes:

<< I believe the dog fight stuff is in the novel A FEAST OF SNAKES,
 which is still in print as a trade paperback. That novel, while not a genre
 piece, is about as hard-boiled as you can get. >>

There certainly is dog fighting in A FEAST OF SNAKES. This book is unbelievably nasty and brutal--a real gem. My closest comparative approximation is to say that it reads like a mean Flannery O'Connor on speed and whiskey, without any of that redemptive stuff mixed in. If you're in NY, the Strand had a whole stack of them for $3.95 about two months ago. Doug 3

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