Re: RARA-AVIS: RE: Ed's considered thoughts on The Maltese Falcon

From: ejmd (
Date: 23 Apr 2000

William Denton <> writ:

> It's really good, Eddie. If you'd mentioned it before, I must have
> missed it.

Thanks, Bill :-) Glad you liked it. I'm not sure if I have mentioned this one before.

> (It's awfully big, though--perhaps you could split it up
> into smaller pages?)

Yes, it's huge ... I ought to make a better html version.

> Is this a chapter from a book or dissertation you're
> doing?

It's a chapter from the unfinished (aka 'ongoing') dissertation and is so far unpublished.
(If anyone wants to offer it/can suggest a home, I'd be interested in offers/suggestions).


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