RARA-AVIS: Hammett/Kurosawa/Grimaldi/Last Man Standing

From: Keith Deutsch ( keithdeutsch@earthlink.net)
Date: 21 Apr 2000

A very full description and analysis of the relationship between Red Harvest, Yojimbo, Last Man Standing, and Grimaldi (the producer whose name I could not remember but who does own the film rights to Red Harvest) can be found at: http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/09.26.96/last-man-9639.html

I highly recommend it for all those who posted in re this topic. It is too long, and would not be appropriate to post (I think). I downloaded the text for my own research.

BLACK MASK WEB SITE For those many RARA-Avians who have emailed me personally about the Black Mask web site, it is under construction. It will, as predicted, be another week or two in the works. I have expanded its features. THE GOOD NEWS IS THAT I WILL BE OFFERING FREE DOWNLOADS OF ONE ORIGINAL BLACK MASK STORY ON A REGULAR PERIODIC BASIS. Each download will be available only for the time it is posted on the site. There will now be plenty of space for contributions--BOTH ORIGINAL FICTION, LINE DRAWINGS, AND ARTICLES.

Work on Black Mask Books, and on the published magazine continues.


Keith keithdeutsch@earthlink.net

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