As for DeLillo, I'm not ready to champion him as a hardboiled
writer, but how different is his Libra from Ellroy's American
Tabloid (except for being much better -- I'm not much of a
fan of Tabloid, as a matter of fact, it may have broken my
Ellroy habit). Ellroy considers Libra one of his favorite
crime novels on at least one list I've seen and has said his
main problem in writing Tabloid was in trying to stake out a
part of the story separate from DeLillo's work. He is also a
big fan of Dunne's True Confessions, an alternative take to
his Black Dahlia.
As for Haruki Murakami, I certainly wouldn't argue him as
hardboiled either, although, as Doug notes, he does clearly
worship Chandler, but his first name shuld probably be noted,
so he isn't mixed up with Ryu Murakami, who wrote Almost
Transparent Blue.
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