RARA-AVIS: Re: Hard-boiled music

From: Brian Lalor ( blalor@hcirisc.cs.binghamton.edu)
Date: 18 Apr 2000

David White < dpwhite@eden.rutgers.edu> wrote on 4/4/00 19:03:

>I've noticed recently that
>more and more hard-boiled
>authors are using
>music in their texts. Michael
>Connelly uses jazz, Harlan
>Coben uses

Hmmm... A friend just loaned me "Fade Away" and "Drop Shot" and I can't say I thought of them as hard boiled at the time, but on further reflection I suppose they are, especially where Win is concerned. I love books that make me laugh out loud, which is exactly what Coben does with Myron Bolitar.

I guess this leads me to the inevitable question: what's the definition of hardboiled? I ended up here at rara-avis (what does *that* mean, anyway?) after I read "The Massive Book of Pulp Fiction" and was looking for more stuff in that vein. Looks like I've found it, but I'm not quite sure what "it" is...

---------- Brian Lalor blalor@hcirisc.cs.binghamton.edu, among others...

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