Re: RARA-AVIS: Hard-boiled music

From: Anders Engwall (
Date: 18 Apr 2000

Juri Nummelin:

> > I also believe that if Ellroy's WHITE JAZZ was a piece of
> > music, it would be "L.A. Blues" by the Stooges.
> Well, yes, maybe, but do you mean the record or the title piece?

Don't know of any album of that title, "L.A. Blues" is the final, very cacaphonous, track on their FUNHOUSE album.

That Ellroy himself hates rock music does not matter, btw, as few would agree that this, uh, piece even qualifies as music at all. I'm not knocking it though -- I actually like it a lot, and that goes for Ellroy's novel too.

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