Re: RARA-AVIS: fetishisation

From: a.n.smith (
Date: 17 Apr 2000

> What do folks think of the increasing fetishisation and commodification of
> our P.I's - e.g. what they drive, shoot, wear, eat, drink etc etc the end
> of the continuum is gasp Harlan Ellis. Makes one hanker for the days
> things weren't so complex tho' I liked the trashing of the Shelby Mustang
> Lehane's latest.

I'm actually one of the big fans of this "fetishisation", if you insist. It reflects the times and the psychology of the age. I like complexity, because it breeds unpredictability, despite all of the habits and material likes/dislikes of the PIs. AMERICAN PSYCHO did overkill on brand names, KING SUCKERMAN did overkill on names of bands and songs. Those are extremes, the writers knew they were being extreme, and they were both fine books. I think we should see more of it.

Neil Smith

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