Joe Lansdale and I didn't shut down the bar at the Texas
Institute of Letters meeting, but despite being an old guy, I
managed to stay up until around midnight talking to him in
the lobby. Any organization that takes in the two of us in
the same year (and gives an award to Neal Barrett, Jr.,
besides) is in more trouble than it knows. I look for Joe to
win one of their awards next year or soon after.
Mike Cunningham asked about Whittington's westerns. I've read
all of them, including the one he wrote as Harry White, and I
may even have foolishly promised Peter Enfantino that I'd do
an article on them some day.
Trouble is that I read them so long ago, I'll have to
read them again to do the article. Naturally I like them. The
Ace Doubles might not be the best ones (I think SADDLE THE
STORM, a Gold Medal, is my favorite), but they're still worth
having and reading.
Bill Crider
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