I think you're talking about me. I didn't say that the hb
approach needs to be based in reality, but rather that it
requires a realistic depiction of the world -- whatever the
world is. I'm not sure which Jeter book you're talking about
here -- I've only read a couple of his -- but DR. ADDER is a
good example of what I mean. It's a wild world the Jeter
presents, but it's presented absolutely realistically. Are
you following me? (I'm not sure if I'm following me!)
--- John & Carrie <
johncarrie@sprynet.com> wrote:
> On the otherhand, I disagree with something
> someone wrote (I think it
> may have been you when you posted a good briefing
> harboiled
> characteristics)that hardboiled has to be based
> reality (or something to
> that effect). K.W. Jeter's Noir is certainly
> based on reality as we
> know it in traditional hardboiled. Yet, it's
> hardboiled.
> However, Jeter's Noir does in fact very
> moments that are central to
> the plot. I think what makes it different from
> sort of surrealism in
> Naked Lunch is that the whole point of Naked
> is surrealism, while the
> surreal in Noir is instead tangential to the
Yeah. I've been thinking about this. I now think that
surrealism can fit into the hb approach, but only as a kind
of aside, or effect, or fillip -- whatever word you want to
pick. I just don't see books that are
*primarily* surrealistic (NAKED LUNCH, FEAR AND LOATHING IN
LAS VEGAS), however worthy, as being hardboiled. It seems to
me that the hb attitude, among other things, involves a
confrontation with reality.
> If I've misquoted someone, please correct
Oh, hey, no problem. These are just my own notions on the
subject -- take them for what they're worth. :)
===== Doug Bassett
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