RARA-AVIS: Hello from Ohio

From: Stephen Miller ( stevethebear@email.msn.com)
Date: 09 Apr 2000

Hello to the Rare Avians:

I've been a lurker for a few months, thoroughly each delivery of this list, and I thought I'd come out from behind the curtain.

I'm 37, and like many on this list, got introduced to PI fiction and hardboiled fiction by reading the classics -- Dash, Raymond and Ross. Among my current favorite writers are Cumley, Block and John Straley (probably not hardboiled, but a damn fine writer anyway). Two others I've always liked seemed to have fallen off the face of the earth, Arthur Lyons and Jonathan Valin. Valin, I understand, is now editor of a stereo magazine, but I have no idea what happened to Lyons. Anyone know?

I saw the KC Constantine piece last Sunday on CBS, and I must offer a dissenting view. I found the profile to be extremely disappointing. Anthony Mason seemed far more interested in the identity mystery than Constantine's work. It was like he really wasn't very familiar with it at all. Usually these profiles are dead-on, which makes the letdown even more profound.

Keep all those great reading ideas coming!

Steve Miller Columbus, OH stevethebear@msn.com

"To maintain the powers of the mind into old age, you must risk the contempt of your younger acquaintances and freely admit that you read detective novels."

B.F. Skinner

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