Running, as usual, a day late and a dollar short, I finally
got around to reading FREAKY DEAKY yesterday. It's actually
only the second Leonard I've ever picked up (the other was
THE BIG BOUNCE), and I'm still trying to see why the raving
about Leonard. FD reminded me of nothing so much as a flat
souffle; the characters and situations should have, or could
have, made for a terrific caper novel, but it just didn't
quite come off.
I think part of it was that the voices didn't work very
well. When he'd switch back and forth between dialogue and
the various characters' thoughts, I had a sense that it was
the same character talking every time, and I didn't really
see the characters as much more than resumes to begin with
I may well be missing something here, but nonetheless I don't
think I'll be trying Leonard again any time soon.
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