Jiro Kimura wrote:
> William Arden's Kane Jackson is a Santa Barbara
private eye, but he is, in
> fact, an industrial spy who almost always get
involved in murder cases.
> This series has 5 novels so far.
Someone told on this list earlier this winter that as Arden
Lynds/Collins wrote some Alfred Hitchcock and the three
detectives novels. Which ones? Are all the books by Arden
also by Lynds or did someone else use the pseudonym
By the way, "Act of Fear", Collins's first novel, is
outstanding, even though there seems to be no hope in
Fortune's wishes for better world. Collins wrote also couple
of Nick Carters. I've read one - it was a surprise, since
Carter, the killing machine, was like a human being in the
book, having friends and all.
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