Re: RARA-AVIS: Noir Cats

From: cooper (
Date: 19 Mar 2000

Now I'll happily nail my colours to the mast, cat person, but I won' t go into the reasons here. I guess dogs have their place in noir fiction(takin' that long walk down doggy death row in my fantasy), but generally cats are better at giving that "I am honouring you with my presence, so be warned I will be gone if you piss me off" that fits the noir remit in my mind. However there are cats as well as dogs who to my mind are superfluous and irritating and should be in a sack.(yes, it's Sunday and I'm very,very bored) Elvis Cole's cat (and girlfriend) sack Nick Stephanos's cat fits Burke's dog fits(though I can do without the dog training tips) Spencer's dog sack Eva Wylie's dogs fit (especially Milo as he's so crap at being hard) Nick Sharman's cat fits Can't really think of any more and I'm sure this has probably run it's last lap, so Bye, Jane

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