RARA-AVIS: Block printing

From: Mark Sullivan ( DJ-Anonyme@webtv.net)
Date: 17 Mar 2000

For those of you not on his mailing list (contact LawBloc@aol.com), Lawrence Block's latest newsletter just came out with information some on the list might like to know:

The sequel to Hit Man, Hit List comes out in the Fall. The newsletter finishes with the following:

"Dunno if I'll be touring for Hit List in the fall; if so, I'll let you know. Both film projects (KELLER, the screen version of Hit Man with Jeff Bridges, and A WALK AMONG THE TOMBSTONES) are in development, and look promising. After Hit List, you can expect a new Matthew Scudder novel from Morrow in fall 2001. . .but first I have to write it."

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